Friday, 4 August 2017

Christchurch Schools Music Festival Date

Correction to the newsletter, the date of the performance is Wednesday 25th October, not the 28th!

Exciting news! The tickets to the festival can now be purchased through ticketek. The Year 5-8 choir students will be performing at the Horncastle Arena on Wednesday 25th October at 7pm. More information on how to purchase tickets can be found on the festival website. This link here will show you what side of the stage we will be on. This will help you choose where you would like to sit. The ticketek booking page also has a plan showing where the choir will be sitting. Any questions about this, please see Mackenzie Kane in Room 8 or email me at

Jump Jam 4 StarJam - Friday 11th August 2017

Jump Jam 4 StarJam is a national initiative between StarJam and Jump Jam aerobic programme, designed to support young people with disabilities, while promoting health, wellness and inclusiveness within our school communities. All funds raised support StarJam’s programmes throughout New Zealand to support young people living with disabilities. It’s easy! At St Francis, will be having a whole school jump jam session during the day on Friday. Children are asked to bring along a $2 donation in exchange for a silicone wristband.

Thursday, 20 July 2017


Hi everyone,

After only a few weeks of Wednesday morning ukulele, the children have made some great progress, learning some basic chords and practising chord changes. It would be great if all children could come on Wednesday with a clear file to put their music in. If children have their own ukulele, it would be much appreciated if they could try tuning it before they come. This saves us a lot of time. There are lots of free phone apps available for this.
I also encourage them to spend 5-10 minutes each day at home practicing chords and chord changes. They will definitely notice how much faster they will progress if they do this.
Feel free to pop in and have a listen one Wednesday morning!

Kia ora rawa atu

Jane Brittenden

Monday, 29 May 2017

Join the Jump Jam team!

Kia ora parents and caregivers,

Starting this Friday 2nd June, we will be running a Jump Jam club before school. This replaces our lunchtime Jump Jam sessions. Jump Jam is aerobics for children and is a lot of fun!

Our session will start at 8.20am every Friday in library and will finish at 8.50am to allow time for children to go to their classes for the start of the day.

Please fill out the form below if your child wants to join. Open to all children from Year 3 to Year 8.

Many thanks,
Mackenzie Kane

Join the Ukelele Group!

Kia ora parents and caregivers,

Starting next Wednesday 7th June, we will be running a ukelele group. This is open to all children from Year 3 and up and is suitable for all levels of ability, including beginners. We have a set of ukeleles to provide for our sessions or children are welcome to bring their own.

Day: Every Wednesday
Time: 8.20am - 8.50am
Place: Library

Please fill out the following form if your child wants to join.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Choir 28th May at Mass

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As part of our school and parish liaison, the choir will be singing at the 10.30am Mass on Sunday the 28th May at St Francis of Assisi Parish. We will be meeting at the back of the Church at 10.20am. Correct winter uniform is to be worn. It would be wonderful to have as many children there as possible. Please clink the link below to fill out the form.

Mackenzie Kane

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Choir in action!

Wow, the choir have grown in size and are sounded beautiful! We are currently practising a lovely song for our Easter Liturgy next Thursday.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Jump Jam

We have started two jump jam groups. The children are really loving learning to routines with Miss Kane and Miss Smith-Palmer. The year 3-6 groups meets Monday at 1pm and the year 7-8 group meets on Thursdays at 1pm. Children who have signed up are expected to be at every practice unless they are off school. Watch this space for photos of the jump jammers next week!

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival

Our Choir (Year 5-8) will be participating in the Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival in October. It is a highlight of our musical calendar. Applications are now open for the representative group auditions. This includes the special choirs (Junior Year 5/6 and Senior Year 7/8), concert band and orchestra. This is a fantastic opportunity for children to learn new skills and showcase their musical talents. Please check out the website for all of the information, including audition sign ups.

Sunday, 19 February 2017


We are on the look out for enthusiastic singers, from Year 3-8, to join our choir.
All welcome in the library at 1pm on Wednesdays!
Miss Kane :)